
Carolina Munera Roa born in Medellin Colombia, with 43 years of age 10 years ago I started to get sick and the disease that was not diagnosed correctly each time deteriorated more my body at that time I was Manager of the bookstore at a University where I dedicated my whole life to this work and had been there for 8 years; I neglected my health and life to give it to this work. Months after getting sick with only 33 years old I was diagnosed with 4 Autoimmune diseases and Cancer in the Lymphatic system called non Hodgkin Lymphoma that diagnosis of Cancer was a wake up call of how I had to change my life and it was my time to Live and not to die. I took on the word CANCER as a rebirth and an opportunity to live.

I have chosen to change my lifestyle and with conventional treatments such as Chemotherapy and many alternative treatments. I continue today with what the doctors say that there is no cure but I dedicate myself day by day to have quality of life. I love life and serving others which is my calling.